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How Fo Gorillas Communicate

Communication in Gorillas: How They Pass on Information

Communication in Gorillas: How They Pass on Information

How Fo Gorillas Communicate

Gorillas Communicates both verbally and none verbally. They often mix sounds with actions and that makes it more clear to researchers what is being said.

Adult males won’t back down when they are being challenged by younger and immature gorillas. They will make very loud screaming sounds and at the same time they will beat their chest with their hands rapidly. This is a warning signal to the younger gorillas to back off or they will be engaged in a battle. In most times, the younger ones will retreat.

Gorillas make screams, grunts, roars, growls, and even hooting like an owl at times. They certainly can be funny too, laughing in a way that seems like they are making fun of others around them and even the famous sticking their tongue out.

Gorillas use their communication to find food, to offer support or discipline, to express their own distress, for mating, and for developing social relationships within their troop.

In some troops, Gorillas develop forms of slang just like human beings do in their/ our social groups. This is fascinating as it means that their communications are often learned behaviors and not just instinct driven.

In captivity, Gorillas are taught how to communicate on various levels by humans. One very successful story is that of KoKo, a female gorilla. Scientists taught to her how to use sign language which was considered to be quite a breakthrough with these animals. The incident signifies high level of intelligence among Gorillas.

Gorillas can call out each other and they have good hearing. The young Gorillas can definitely learn the voice of their mothers at a very young age. They can pick up low noises that humans can’t hear easily and that is often how they are alerted to dangers. They also rely upon their sense of smell to warn them if humans or other threats are in the area.

Young gorillas have communications that they use which are similar to those of human babies. They include whining and making sharp noises. Their mothers are quick to try to find out what they need to get those forms of communication replaced with those that are more along the lines of contentment.

There are 9 complete steps to what has become termed as the gorilla communication ritual. First they will offer hooting sounds that get faster, feed in a methodical way, jump up and down, throw food, beat their chest with both hands, kick with their legs, run sideways, tear at vegetation out there, and end with their palms hitting the ground and more hooting sounds.

Many researchers continue to try to decode the language that is believed to be there for gorillas. This isn’t an easy task though with so many sounds being produced by them. It is like trying to take a completely foreign language and learning it all on your own. Since many of the different sounds seem to have multiple meanings then that makes the task even more difficult.

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