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5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning A Trip To Uganda

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning A Trip To Uganda

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5 Biggest Mistakes Travellers Make When Booking a Trip To Uganda And How To Avoid Them

Booking a trip or safari to Uganda can be tedious considering the long process that involves putting together all that is required to make your holiday successful. Here are the five biggest mistakes people make when booking a trip to Uganda & how to avoid them.

Booking a tour during a wrong season

The one common mistake most Uganda safari travelers often make is booking their trips at wrong season or time. Though trips to Uganda are open all year round, not all months are conducive. The best time of the year to travel to the Pearl of Africa for gorilla trekking or chimpanzee tracking or game driving experiences is during the 2 drier seasons that is from June, July, August, September and December, January to February.

Though visits can also be made during the wet/rainy season, usually, most travelers avoid it during to its weather conditions. During the wetter season months-March to May and October to November, most National Parks in Uganda and other tourist destinations receive heavy rains. The challenging part of it is driving on muddy/slippery roads to your dream destination.

Booking a trip to Uganda with a wrong tour operator/agent

Dealing with a wrong tour operator is one of the most regrettable mistakes you shouldn’t be part. Hundreds of tour operators/companies are found in different parts of Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja etc but unfortunately, some aren’t registered. When choosing a tour operator or company to book your trip to Uganda with, find out if it is a fully registered, reliable and trusted company.

Besides booking a trip with a wrong tour operator, another mistake most travelers make is organizing a trip by themselves. Consult with your trusted tour operator since they have knowledge on which destinations are worth visiting, the different activities you can enjoy and also accommodations to stay in for a night.

Wrong travel group

Another mistake most travelers often make while booking a trip to Uganda is traveling with a wrong group. Group travel can fun but bumping into a group that isn’t your favorite can ruin your experience. Endeavor to find a right group within your age bracket, travel interest and same understanding.

Not booking the best package

Your travel itinerary is your complete guide to all your Uganda trips-finding the best can be challenging. You can save yourself from the long day stress by contacting our reservation team for guidance or visit our website to check through our exceptional safari packages. Find a package that offers the most flexible road trip in Uganda or even while in destinations like Rwanda.

Packing nonessential items

How you pack for a trip in Uganda matters a lot, but what usually happens is that most travelers pack and leave out the essentials. The essentials if you are heading for a gorilla trekking tour include insect repellent, long-sleeved shirt, medical/first aid kit, raincoat/jacket, waterproof hiking boots, a camera without a flashlight, long socks, gardening gloves, daypack/backpack, sunglasses, toiletries, hat, sweater.

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