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5 Essential Things for Successful Gorilla Trekking

5 Essential Things for Successful Gorilla Trekking


Of course every holiday trip starts with a dream and if yours is to see mountain gorillas in Uganda, Rwanda or Congo, it doesn’t matter when you visit but the truth is that seeing the gorillas is a must. However, there are still five essential that no one could tell you about gorilla safari tours in Africa though there the most important aspects in every gorilla trekking trip.

Fitness Level

Being fit is an essential thing if you planning to go gorilla trekking in Africa. The forest jungle vegetation is hilly that getting to the point where mountain gorilllas could be requires some bit of hiking .The fit travelers find the trek very awesome, and incredible while the unfit find it quite too hard and hectic. Also ensure that you have good health and in good shape to go gorilla trekking in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. No one can determine when the trek can end though usually it’s between 2-6 hours. Once you find the gorillas, you will be given a full hour of photography and observation. It’s a fun wild adventure that everyone should try out once in Africa because its memories and experience can only be experienced in three country’s-Uganda, Rwanda and Congo and besides last for life.


You can never know how tough the trek could be until the time when the ranger guide and the armed ranger guide show you the way into the forest to search for the beautiful primate species. The forest seems easy and manageable from the outside but when you embark on the journey to see the gorillas, you surely realize the need of a porter. The luggage become heavy, the slopes look deep and porters help in all ways. Therefore, would recommend the use of porters in every gorilla safari tour no matter how strong you could be. Hiring a porter makes life in the forest very easy and simple full of fun and incredible moments.

Walking Sticks

Though there are guides and porters to help out during the trek but walking stick are surely important all through and every gorilla trekking tourist needs one. In some gorilla park sectors, tourists use them as they enter the forest and after as they come out of the forest because they are supportive in everything. Walking sticks can be hired at the park headquarters after briefing at a fare fee that is affordable by every tourist and without it trekking gorillas can be more tough than expected.

Hand Gloves

Gorilla tracking is about walking through the thick forest jungle full of various tree species, mammals, birds, vegetation and much more. Therefore, it’s a must that you hands can touch lots of different forest vegetation including those that are not good for your skin. However, when you wear hand gloves as well as long sleeved wears, both can protect your skin from getting any irritation. You can carry your pair from home or hire at the park at $5 dollars on the day for your gorilla safari experience.

Walking Shoes & Upper Covers

Wearing walking shoes is fine but you need an upper cover to protect you from any insect bite especially the red ants and other since the forest is a home to variety. Some lodges provide upper shoe covers to gorilla trekking tourists but still you can carry your from home to be on the safe side. Also don’t forget the insect repellant that will protect your skin from being bitten by flying insects in the jungle.
