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Mutanda Lake Resort

Mutanda Lake Resort

Mutanda Lake Resort

Mutanda Lake Resort

Set on a scenic Lake Mutanda peninsula at the shadow of the Virunga Mountain Massifs is a beautiful and comfortable Mutanda Lake Resort. This is a mid-range accommodation facility, and comes with commanding views of the surrounding Virunga Mountains.


Mutanda Lake Resort is located between Kisoro town, Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. It is suitably lying in an area that allows you to go gorilla trekking in any of the gorilla safari destinations in Uganda –Mgahinga Gorilla National Park or Bwindi National Park.

Mutanda Lake Resort Kisoro is a mid-range accommodation property and consists of 13 cottages, these are built on a wooden platform. Each cottage features a private veranda and en-suite bathroom. The available rooms range from single, double/twin to triple, each fitted with comfortable beds and treated mosquito nets.

The resort is spectacularly set up in an area offering breathtaking views of the misty Rwanda and Congo volcanoes, plus the scenic islands that are distributed all over the lake. Mutanda Resort offers strong Wi-Fi, and laundry services. There is also a classic restaurant and fully stocked bar for you grab something for the day or sip while relaxed for the evening after the long day trek to see gorillas or canoeing on Lake Mutanda. The restaurant is set within the reach of all guests, offering the best meals and the resort is generally excellent for Christmas, Easter and weekend holidays.

Top Things to Do Around Mutanda Lake Resort

Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking is a must-do adventure for all guests who plan to have a night stay at Mutanda Resort Kisoro. The resort is suitably lying in an area where you can easily connect up to Bwindi or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park for gorilla trekking. From the resort to briefing point in Bwindi is about an hour drive and you can be assigned a gorilla family to visit. Bwindi has a composition of 20 fully habituated gorilla families, and 1 group that is open for gorilla tourism in Mgahinga NP.

Golden Monkey Tracking

Golden monkeys are stunning primates and tracking these species takes 2-4 hours in Mgahinga. The trek begins at Ntebeko reception with an experienced guide, taking you via the lush bamboo forest at the slopes of Mgahinga National Park.
