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Sabinyo Gorge trail is a 5-6 hours hiking trail taking hikers through the spectacular lower slopes of Mount Sabyinyo and distinct vegetation zones. The trail offers strenuous hiking adventures but most rewarding, especially with the breathtaking views of other surrounding Virunga Volcanoes and the lush Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Climbing through Sabinyo Gorge trail is remarkably conquering the summits of Mt. Sabyinyo. As you walk, there is a chance to enjoy the stunning views of the scenic waterfalls and surrounding sites. Besides the rewarding hikes, this trail also comes with surprises of bird sights and sights from some mammals like duikers, golden monkeys and more.

The common bird species that you should expect to come across along this spectacular trail include the Rwenzori Turacos, Rwenzori Nightjars, Waxbills, black kites, pin tailed Whydahs, white necked raven, grey capped warblers, speckled mouse birds, paradise flycatchers, to mention but a few.

The Sabinyo Gorge trail also allows you to visit Rugezi swamp. This is another significant spot where you can come across some interesting forest animal species –including elephants, giant forest hogs; and species of birds.

The walk starts after briefing from the park official and you will be accompanied by an experienced park guide. The half-day guided walk through this trail ushers you to the lush forest zones that stretch out of Ntebeko, then you ascend via the heath and later penetrate deep into the bamboo forest prior getting to a small stream.

The bamboo forest zone is a significant habitat to numerous species including variety of birds. These include olive woodpeckers, montane sooty boubou, Archer’s ground robin, regal sunbird, Kivu ground thrush, handsome francolins, African hill babblers, Western green tinker birds, strange weaver, Rwenzori batis, and Lagden’s bush shrike, etc.

The Sabyinyo gorge trail also ushers visitors up to Garama cave which is 4km from Ntebeko reception. The Garama cave once served as refuge to humans, especially during the late Iron Age and then the Batwa used it as their hiding spot after raiding neighboring Bantu-speaking tribes. The main entry takes hikers 100m to the Batwa’s subterranean council chamber. This is approximately 3 hour round trip of exploring the Garama cave.

How much is Sabinyo Gorge trail/walk

You can be part of the Sabinyo gorge trail at USD 30 which applies to the foreign nonresidents, USD 15 foreign residents and Shs 15,000 for East African residents. The trek to the caldera is at free cost, but generally, you can plan your trip through the local tour operator.
